Natura trentina
Photographing the beauty of nature

You can also discover places of natural beauty through powerful photographic images which create strong emotions and make you want to see the places with your own eyes, perhaps taking your own photographs to document your travels.
It is on this premise that the Parco Fotografico Trentino was founded, a project which selects and promotes places and trails based on photographic images. Waterfalls, lakes, trails, streams, sunsets, panoramas, woods, a star-filled sky, a rainbow, the sun and the snow: what these photographs have in common is beauty, which is subjective and interpreted differently by each of us, but in all cases to be shared.
The idea for this platform was developed by Alberto Bregani, born in Cortina d’Ampezzo in 1962. Bregani is a professional photographer and a master in capturing images of the mountains in black and white. His project was made possible by the Fondazione Accademia della Montagna del Trentino, in conjunction with Trentino Marketing and with the sponsorship of Cultural Services of the Province of Trentino and numerous provincial tourist associations and consortiums.
“Where do you want to take photos today?” is the first thing you will see when you open the PFT site. By clicking on the preferred geographical area (such as the Brenta Dolomites, Lake Garda in Trentino, or Val di Fassa), you can select photographs of the most beautiful spots in the region with descriptions, directions about how to get there and suggestions for the best time to take your photographs according to the season, the time of day and your preferred technique. If you are not looking for a specific place, but inspiration, you can search using tags such as “hiking trails”, “water” or “mountain refuges”.
In the blog section, you can find information about events in the region which you can attend in the company of a PFT photographer, or many other interesting aspects such as techniques and suggestions for taking photos along the trails in safety. Anyone can take part by sending their photos on Instagram, and their photos will be posted on PFT’s Facebook page. So get your camera out!
hashtag #parcofotograficotrentino. Long live #beauty!
Credits: Giampaolo Calzà
Credits: Ralf Brunel
Credits: Bregani
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